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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Our Little Artist

Over the weekend Ryan and I sat down for some creative play. Usually we break out the play dough and come up with all sorts of things to make, but this time Ryan grabbed his craft kit that he received from Santa when he came to visit Ryan's pre-school last year. The kit contains some pipecleaners, pompoms and stickers. We each made a few things and Ryan's favorite was the octopus he made. He put it all together and counted to make sure he had all 8 legs :-) A picture of the octopus is below. He did really well!

I also found a great website which is where I got the pumpkin pictured below that Ryan colored and put together. For this project I helped Ryan cut out the pumpkin and shapes, then he colored and put them together to make a pretty cool jack-o-lantern. Ryan really enjoys coloring and he had fun making this pumpkin. Someone also recommended another website which I have checked out and I look forward to finding some fun stuff on there to do with Ryan.

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