I was back at the doctor this Monday for another ultrasound and checkup. Ryan went with me this time and was not as excited as I thought he might be. The ultrasounds take about 30 minutes while the technician checks and measures each baby's head, heart, stomach, bladder, etc. I guess this got to be a little boring for Ryan. I was amazed as always to see our babies and how much they are growing. Jacob weighs 1lb 2oz and Josephine is right behind him at 1lb. 1oz. We are pleased that they are both growing and their weights are so close. This is what we want to keep seeing so that the babies can stay with me as long as possible and get big and strong. Josephine actually flipped during the ultrasound, but I didn't feel a thing. I have been feeling plenty of kicks from both babies mostly during the day. Daddy hopes they keep up with this routine of awake during the day and sleepy at night :-)
After the ultrasound we went to see Dr. Lea. I haven't seen him in years and it was nice to talk to him again. I have always liked Dr. Lea and I am so glad he is back with the practice. He is so nice and was so friendly with Ryan while we were there. He said everything looks really good so far and he listened to each baby's heartbeat. He is sending me for some bloodwork to retest my thyroid which I will need to do every so often since I have an underactive thyroid. He also put me on an iron supplement for the rest of the pregnancy and reminded me of how I need to take it easy and make sure I get plenty of rest. I try to rest a little each evening and keep my feet up while I'm at work. I want to try to work until I am ready to deliver so I will need to take good care of myself in order to keep working. So far, so good and we will re-evaluate my work situation in another 6 weeks. Dr. Lea said they want to start seeing me every 2 weeks from here on out w/ an ultrasound every 4 weeks. So in a couple weeks I'll be back to see Dr. Moore and I will also have my glucose tolerance test at that time. This will test to make sure I am not developing gestational diabetes. Keep your fingers crossed that I pass!! Enjoy the pictures below (Baby A - Jacob; Baby B = Josie)